Nakuru Senator Susan Kihika has said both the Senate and National Assembly are ready to push for the implementation of third generation revenue division formula.

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In the formula, counties with high number of people are set to benefit from the highest amount of money shared from the national government.

Speaking in Nakuru town, Kihika said if the formula is implemented, Nakuru county government will have zero reasons for failed service delivery.

She hit out at the current county leadership under Governor Lee Kinyanjui, saying there is a lot of underdevelopment in the county.

The vocal senator opined that before counties request for more money, they should effectively use what they have currently.

“You don’t request for more money if you cannot utilize what you have” said Kihika.

County governments through the Council of Governors have been pushing for more funds to be disbursed from the county to national governments.

According to governors, the amount they are receiving currently is not enough to cater for development and recurring expenditures in counties.