Your liver is the master of organs as far as removal of toxins is concerned. 

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Were it not for your liver, your whole body would have been a dump of toxic materials. Besides this, there are other hundreds of responsibilities that the liver takes care of. Therefore, how would you know your kidney is full of toxins?

Here are three warning signs;

1. Pain in the liver area

Usually, chronic liver intoxication is manifested by pain in the area. Feeling pain in the upper right area of your abdomen is a sign that your liver could be filled with toxic materials. It starts with dull pain and gets worse with time because the concentration of toxins increases. 

2. Bloat and excessive gas

When the liver in intoxicated, the flow of bile into the digestive tract is slowed or stopped. This provides good conditions for pathogenic bacteria to grow in the gut. They infect the gut and produce excessive gas which causes bloating. Bile is produced to kill unnecessary flora. 

3. Unexplained weight gain

Sometimes you can grow thick despite how much you try to live a healthy life. As long as you work out and have a healthy diet, your weight should remain the same. When your liver is intoxicated, instead of filtering toxins, it stores them in your fat cells and this explains why you gain weight.