When you eat two bananas a day there are a lot of many positive things that happen to your body. Bananas not only do they have a good taste but they have exceptional health benefits. 

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They can protect against hypertension and protects against strokes and heart attacks. The banana fruit is very  rich in potassium, which helps widen up the blood vessels and protects the heart this in turn allows better circulation. This in turn lowers the blood pressure. Potassium also can protect against atherosclerosis. Besides the cardiovascular benefits and the one found in bananas helps promote bone health.            

They can cure hangovers, after a heavy night out, bananas contain high level of electrolytes, bananas are good for regulating electrolyte levels and getting the body back to a healthy state. They also have high fiber contents which aids in normalization of bowel movements hence eating bananas alleviates constipation and thus another benefit of eating bananas. The high potassium level of bananas helps reduce the stomach’s acidity and also the high fiber content help alleviate heartburn.           

Eating two bananas a day help with weight loss, they are good solution for people trying to lose weight this is because they contain a high content of fiber they help us feel more full and keep cravings away. 
