Understanding how to deal with a very moody and unpredictable girlfriend or wife is very key towards having a happy love relationship.

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This is a good virtue which every man should learn if they want to stay with their mates and avoid unnecessary breakups. This, however, does not mean that there are no moody and furious men out there; they actually exist and in their numbers.

Nonetheless, dealing with a particularly temperamental girlfriend can be disturbing but the following ways are sure hacks:

1. Take a different approach

Controlling our own tempers and moods is usually very hard. This also makes it impossible to check other people’s moods. A different approach is therefore needed.

It is important to stop focusing on what is out of your control and instead put your head on what is within your control. First, concede to the fact that your girlfriend’s moods are part of her and that they are genuine and also generated from inside her.

Then, allow her the benefit of having the dignity of her feelings and also the right of being responsible for them. It will then be your chance to examine your reactions towards her moods.

You should not be the one who stresses yourself with fixing her emotions as this will turn to be a full-time job which will give you no time of caring for your own.

2. Don’t be dragged down, too

To deal with an ever moody spouse, another hard to learn but the pertinent trick is to master to separate your happiness and your piece from her moods.

Focus on staying cheerful and also upbeat even when your girlfriend is breathing fire. Don’t be sad because she is sad. Don’t be tempted to start a fight with her no matter how much the temptation will be. 

Take some time and also some space. Keep your calm, take deep breaths and let her emotions run their course but in a cleaver way, try to cheer her up.

If she is very personal, try not to take it personally and talk to her when she is calm on how her emotions affect you. However, never let the conversation sound as if it is an attack on her.

Important to note is that, her crazy feelings are not caused by you and that you also have no power to control them and also can’t cure them.