There are various things that make morgues to exude the smell most of them have. This has since made them be among the most dreaded places anyone can visit unless they have a depart keen or friend therein.

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Many people have termed the smell as terrible while others have branded it the smell of ‘death’.

The smell in most funeral homes in Kenya emerges from the daily operations in the facilities. 


The fluid used for this purpose (a mixture of formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, and methanol among other solvents) has an astringent smell. The smell will also intensify if the facility is poorly ventilated and it can be detected just right from the entrance.

Also, if the embalmed body needed a lot of the fluid, it could augment the smell and this is also dependent on the level of concentration used. The fluid will continue to gas off and could be noticeable even near the casket.

Bodies of individuals exposed to environments that encourage fast decomposition, for instance, intense warmth also have all the capacity to exude terrible smells if not properly contained. 

Such odors in the morgue are inevitable and are only contained by use of counter agents to remediate or mask the smell. 

This will also include using of district perfumes that many people will find to smell strange. 

Morgues may also smell funny due to the fact that some have been in existence for very many years. The same smell generated from old furniture and old/abandoned houses have. 

Other things that lead to funny smells in morgues include cleaning agents, perfumed candles, people wearing strong perfumes, attendants and visitors who are smoking heavily or just poor hygiene within the facility.