Opposition leader Raila Odinga has been courageous enough and persistent in building his support base for a very long period of time and there is no way he can use it to make someone else president.

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The political parties we have in the country are formed to be vehicles to help top politicians to ascend to power and not based on ideologies, that’s why they have not been able to stand the test of time.

So if the other parties in the NASA coalition are sitting pretty for Odinga to honor the memorandum and hand over the mantle to them then they might be deep dead asleep.

The name enigma of politics best describes Odinga because he is a seasonal politician who usually capitalizes on every event on his benefit whether good or bad.

For example, when his co-principals Kalonzo Musyoka, Musalia Mudavadi and Moses Wetangula betrayed him on the 30th of January, he was able to brave on and used the occasion to prove to the NASA supporters that he is the only man standing in the coalition.

That earned him the trust he has always enjoyed from the opposition supporters and the three co-principals were considered to have taken a political suicide.

The fact that the three never showed up in the famous oathing of the former Prime Minister proved the speculations may have been having that there were cracks in NASA.

The cracks further manifested itself during the ODM meeting last week where Kalonzo who was in attendance, was ridiculed by ODM members for being a coward.

Odinga also said in that meeting that ODM might be going alone or as a coalition in 2022, meaning by the time we approach 2022 elections a lot will have changed.

The statement by the opposition leaders might as well insinuate ODM might be considering other options to strengthen it as it gears up to clinch to power.