You have met someone new at a meeting in town or along the busy streets of Nairobi. You are now thinking of starting a relationship. You are not sure whether he is real or not. 

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However, according to Toopanda, it is possible to know whether a relationship will work after the first date.  Here are five signs that can help you figure out if someone is right for you after that first date.

1. Plays with hair and touches clothes

If she or he keeps touching the hair, it means there is an element of attraction. Both partners will keep touching different body parts as a sign of deep connection between them.

2. Eye contact

A person who keeps looking into your eyes is really attracted to you. Eye contact shows how one feels emotionally feels upon seeing you. She or he will not sit for a minute before staring at you.

3. Keeps checking their phone

 If he or she keeps checking on the phone when you are together, it means there is something wrong. He or she is likely to have been brought up poorly or just doesn't like you. 

It is hard dating someone who is ever busy on his or her phone all the time.

4. Looks too reserved

 It is not easy to tell how someone who looks too reserved feels. If he is not free with you then, you might not be the right woman or man for them. The best person is one who is free to share anything with you.

5. Talks about their ex

Why would someone talk about their ex on the first date? Unless you have asked him or her. A person who keeps comparing you to his or her ex won’t make the love last.