When your crush or that almost perfect girl from the hood likes you, she will do her best to just hide it. 

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For better or for worse, you will quite literally see it in one way or the other. No matter how hard they try to suppress it, everything will catch up with them and they will let it known. All you have to do is be close to her till then. 

As such, it is hard for a lady to sit on her feelings over a long period of time. If she likes you, you will know it.

One of the most obvious signs that show if a lady likes you is that she will always be taking everything into consideration. She will not assume anything. Even that simple text you send her before she goes to sleep will be replied to by, 'what do you mean by that?' It will be the same even in normal and very basic conversations about Nairobi. 

When she has an active liking for you, she will also be so keen on the tiny details. A sensitive text you send her will be remembered for days on end. She will have that superb memory and ability to hold that up. You may forget it but she will always remind you of it someday. 'Remember what you told me at 7 pm on a Wednesday mid last month?'

Besides, if she actively likes you, she will seem to put some of what happens in her normal world on hold just to concentrate on you. She will want to make plans with you and see to it that they are achieved as well. 

She will also want more attention. The attention you give her will just never really be enough. She will want you to concentrate on her, quite literally.

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