Being a single mother is not an easy job since all responsibilities are on you.

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As a single mother, managing your money well is important,  as it helps you raise your children comfortably without many struggles.

In cases of limited income, life becomes more complex, but you can manage your financial status by using these tips:

1. Seek assistance

As a single mother, you should not go for a day without eating. Always ask for assistance out there.

One can ask for assistance from family or friends.

2. Look for additional sources of income

Don’t be a mother who relies on a single source of income.

If you are free most of the time, you should not hesitate to get another job that can generate you extra cash.

3. Save more

Don’t be a mother who only thinks about today.

For the safety of your children’s future, learn how to save extra cash, and slowly you will make a huge difference financially.