When it comes to single Luo women,there are a number of things you need to know about them before giving a chase.

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Getting this information beforehand will bail you from frustrations of being turned down by a single Luo lady.

Here is all you need to know about them before launching a chase;

1. They are attention addicts

A single Luo lady expects any prowling man to invest all his time on her without drifting. Showing intense desire for her through actions turns on a Luo woman and she eventually unlocks her heart for you. 

Luo women believe too much concern about them shows their prospects are serious and ready to commit.Naturally,women filter relationship prospects more strictly based on the attention they get or how much they are pursued.

2. They are so flirty

Just like all women out there,single Luo women are flirtatious.They know how to send mixed signals to prospects that faultily hint on an interest for commitment that men wrongly decode.

They know how to woo men without appearing like they're longing for them.As a gent you need to slow down things because if you equate their flirting with sexual innuendos it will get creepy.The arm touches, intense eye contact and small talks a Luo woman gives don't suggest she is interested early on.

3. Play hard to get.

You really need to understand how Luo women work before approaching them.A single Luo woman is oblivious and will have no idea you're interested on her.She will naively accept and enjoy your company. But once she realizes your intentions, she will hang back and get undecided. 

So, you have to work harder to win her because women fear being labeled cheap or losing social grace. Luo women play hard to get because with women dating is easier unlike men who are born pursuers.Women only make themselves available and wait for men to approach.Men have to put more effort into getting a relationship because they want women more.