Relationships are diverse in nature and the things that make them work will always vary from one couple to another, while something may work very well for one pair, the same thing may be the cause of destruction in another relationship but one thing that will always affect all these different kinds of relationships is having doubt in your partner, never trusting them even when their is nothing to be worried of.Lack of trust in your partner not only hurts your partner but also destroy your relationship in the following ways.

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Having doubt in someone will always be something personal.When you lack trust in your partner, you will always take it personally when they wrong you and even when they have not done anything wrong, you will always be negative about their every move which will even cause you more pain than do good to you in the long run.

lack of trust also is like destroying the foundation of the house that you have started to build, which may bring everything down at once. No one wants to take a lot of time constructing something over a long period of time to watch it all fall down at once, it will be a waste of time and a waste of both your feelings.

Doubt will always grow into a permanent thing in your relationship, you will always doubt your partner's every move which should not be the case in any relationship that is healthy.Doubt is a bad habit that will always make you insecure and may make you never trust again.