Being good in bed depends on your erections in most cases. Good sexual stamina plus stronger erections will undoubtedly make you last longer in bed. 

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Some men tend to lose erections during intercourse which is bad. It is a nuisance condition. 

Basically, whatever you consume usually retrospects on your sex life. Be in the know that some foods are not good for your erections. 

Here are the worst foods for your erections you need to know


Soy contains numerous nutrients like omega-3 fats that lower cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, it is a great source of zinc and  B-vitamins that are essential for optimum health as well. 

However, according to a study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it is reported that excess soy intake impair your erections due to their excess fats.

Canned soup

Most of the canned foods including their soups are highly endowed with sodium. Excess sodium intake can lead to serious complications. For instance, excess sodium escalates blood pressure in the body which in turn, bar smooth flow of blood to your penis hence weakening your erections. 

Processed meat

This particular food weakens your erections by barring smooth flow of blood to the spongy cells of the penis. It is reported that, the food clogs penile arteries as well.


Pizza is one of the worst food for your erections as well. According to a Harvard study, due to their saturated fats, pizzas have been found to negatively impact your erections by weakening your penis.