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Hema High School-Chitago principal James Momanyi has threatened to sue parents who have deviated from their parental responsibilities.

Speaking during the prize giving event held on Wednesday in the Masaba South sub-county school, Mr Momanyi revealed some parents had failed to comply with school rules by 'dust-pinning' their children.

He said the parents intentionally avoided paying school fees for their children assuming the government pays everything.

"We have students, a good number of them are bright but their parents are totally irresponsible, yet both of them are alive. They don't even come to school to know the progress of their children even when we have called them," said Momanyi.

"Am taking one of them to court soon. You must know the government doesn't pay all school fees for students. It only supplements," Momanyi told parents.

He added: "We are incurring huge debts because of  huge fee balances those parents owes the school. This is likely to impact negatively to our school."

Area Director of Education Mr Jacktone Gangre pledged his support in the fight against irresponsible parents.

"Some of the schools in my sub-county incluiding Hema-Chitago charge fees that's far below the one recommended by the government. I have given you a go ahead to sue irresponsible parents. I will vehemently support you in that," Gangre told the principal.

He added: "It's a prerogative of every parent to pay school fees for their children. Basic education is mandatory. There is no argument in this. In the Basic Education Act, it's clearly stipulated on the kind of action that can be taken against an irresponsible parent."

The school is among top ten best schools in Kisii County in 2015's KCSE exams.

It recorded a mean score of 9.22 points, with all the 115 candidates securing university grade translating to 100 per cent pass.