What has derailed you from achieving your targets? This is the time to find it, accept it and find a way to deal with it. This way, you can move on knowing nothing will hold you down.
Challenge yourself- Go the extra mile and set yourself to doing what you couldn't do and gradually work towards achieving this.
Appreciate 'your differences'- Realise your uniqueness makes you a gem and use it to your advantage instead of wishing you were like someone else.
Set realistic goals- I'm told of a fresh graduate who told a business owner he wanted to be the C.E.O of the organisation straight from campus. Be ambitious alright but don't frustrate yourself to depression by being over ambitious.
Absorb healthy habits- Take care of your health by eating healthy and getting plenty of rest. This enables you to tackle issues with ease as your mind is fresh and your body full of energy.
Hang around positivity- An optimist looks at life in a positive dimension. If an interview doesn't go the way they wanted it to, they take it but realise this is not the way things are bound to be. So they look to the future, and motivate themselves knowing they will do better next time.
Don't beat yourself up- Give your best in whatever you do. Realising that something's won't go as planned. Don't tear yourself into oblivion. Smile and get back on track. It can only get better.
Have fun- Be it in school or work, enjoy what you do because there is no destination called happiness if you don't enjoy the journey.
Reward yourself- The art of rewarding positive behaviour as we know it does work. When a child does well in school, they are rewarded. Do the same thing for yourself. You passed that exam? Give yourself a treat. You deserve it.