I once went to an interview and one the panellists asked, "If you were an animal, which one would you be?"
I gave my reply and from that I wondered, which animal is your man?
A Dog?
Dogs are loyal. It stands by its master. The man equivalent won't fool around. If your man is a 'dog', he just doesn't lie. He is a genuine guy and doesn't beat around the bush. Dogs bark when they don't like something. They wag their tails when they do. This man will tell it like it is. He says what he means and means what he says.
Or is he a lion? He likes to have his way. The king of the jungle doesn't debate. If he is fixed on doing something, nothing and no one can stop him. The environment senses it when they show up. They are domineering and certainly authoritative.
The Sheep is meek and usually quiet. This guy rarely argues with you. He is laid back and won't go on and on arguing about which movie to watch. He lets you decide, peacefully. He doesn't mind waiting for you at the salon, doesn't matter if you're having a 15-minute blow-dry or a 15-hour twist braids done. He will be there; patiently waiting.
If it smells like a fish, it probably is one. The fishy guy is always up to no good. And if you find yourself constantly having to confirm what he says, checking up on him through his friends, he probably falls here. This guys' accounts never add up. He is slimy and sneaky. They are shady and shouldn't be easily trusted. They are always hiding something.
An ant is a very hardworking insect and even the Bible mentions it. The ant is the man that works hard. In Kenyan terms he hustles seriously for his family. It doesn't matter if this guy started a kiosk selling vegetables or with a Sh200 capital selling smokies. It won't be long before he builds an empire. Respect.
The peacock is good looking and he knows it. He will take hours on the mirror; you will be the one saying, "Honey, we will be late." Your trips to the salon can never measure up to his. He knows the best moisturiser in the market and his knowledge of cosmetics is insane. He likes the attention women give him so he pays attention to every detail of himself, head to toe. The problem with this one is that he may not help with the dishes not to mess his well-manicured nails. You need to be a patient peahen be with this one.
The cats are cool and unlike the lion, this one is quite laid back. However, he likes to play around which can be super annoying. He loves the chase and no matter how many times you break up with him, he will always come back. He has nine lives and you will find yourself getting back with him because he knows how to win you back.
The eagle is undeterred and doesn't sweat over the small stuff. Or the big. You will never find him stressed or panicky. He never got the salary raise he was hoping for? No problem. He uses his position to pull off a major project in his department. The CEO won't help but make him manager.