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A former Councillor in Nyangusu has decried the rise in insecurity in the area.

Former Councillor Albert Manyange appealed to both the county and national governments to beef up security.

Speaking to this reporter in Nyangusu town on Friday, Mr Manyange claimed residents are living in fear of being attacked by a gang that has been terrorising and robbing people.

In the latest incident said Manyange, a motorcyclist was killed and his motorbike stolen while another one escaped death narrowly when he was attacked at Nyangusu while transporting charcoal from Kilgoris to Magena.

“We have lost four people since January not due to illnesses, but in the hands of unknown gang members who are terrorising us.”

He added: “We appeal to both the national and county governments to provide us with security by deploying more police to patrol the area at night. We also ask the police to conduct investigations and arrest all those engaging in crime in the area.”

He said without insecurity, it would be hard to do business in the area.