Orphaned and Vulnerable Children (OVC) from the Ring Road Orphan's school in Nyalenda, Kisumu are set to benefit from Sh4.5 million kitty to cater for their school fees.
Jared Oriadha, the director of the school, said the institution offers full sponsorship for the education of the children.
Oriadha said they have also set aside a further Sh2.5 million which will be used to pay for education of those in various colleges and universities.
He said most of the orphans and vulnerable children who have benefited from the institution are currently learning in various colleges and universities in the country.
“This school has managed to send a number of students to pursues different courses in various higher learning of institutions,” he said.
Speaking on Friday at the school in Nyalenda when he met guardians and the students, Oriadha announced they had also put up a 100-bed dormitory for the girls at the school.
He said the girl child is very vulnerable especially from low income families adding that they will now be accommodated with the school.
“Our girls will now be accommodated here from next year. This will help in enhancing their education that is occasionally interrupted when they are at home,” he said.
During the event, the over 400 students received free uniforms, PE kits, bibles, Christmas gifts and mosquito nets.