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Nyamira parents and guardians have been hailed for cooperating for the polio jab among their children under the age of five years.

Addressing the press in Nyamira town on Friday, the county' director for health Jack Magara said research showed that parents in the county valued and adhered to polio jab campaign that ended recently.

The exercise took place between December 5-9 this year.

Mgara said they surpassed the target by vaccinating more than 100 per cent children.

"We were targeting 127,147 children but we provided the vaccine to 129,991 children in the five-day campaign. Translating to 102 per cent," confirmed Dr Magra.

He congratulated parents for defying connotations against the polio immunisation that the vaccine had side effects.

He noted most cases of clubfoot are idiopathic but suggested polio immunisation would help cut down incidents of children born with the foot deformity among other related deformities.