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Nyaribari Chache parliamentary aspirant Rachael Otundo has taken issue with the newly created Kitutu Central district.

Otundo faulted Nyaribari Chache MP Richard Tong’i and his Kitutu Chache South counterpart Richard Onyonka for making decisions without involving residents.

She warned against demarcation and implementation of the new district arguing it might cause boundary dispute between the neighboring constituencies.

Instead, the politician demanded the involvement of all stakeholders before the new district becomes operational

“Its total anarchy for Tong’i and Onyonka to decide on behalf of Nyaribari Chache residents and we cannot accept what we don’t understand.  Tong’i must urgently convene a meeting with all stakeholders to have a discussion before the new district becomes operational,” said Otundo.

Otundo famously referred as 'Iron lady' or 'fighter' revealed the new district was being carved from the existing Kisii Central district arguing that, it would see a major part of Kisii town relinquished to Kitutu Chache South constituency.

The gazettement of Kitutu Central district has sparked criticism from Nyaribari Chache residents accusing area MP of selling out the town to neighboring Kitutu Chache South constituency.

They aired their grievances through leaflets demanding that Tong’i should revert the plan and involve residents before making such critical move.