Dating is not only about finding potential dates since you may never find any individual who is perfect; it is also about realizing which trait you are willing to handle as you continue to hope that the outcome will be a strong relationship. Therefore, in case you're one of those men who are looking to find 'the one' this 2016, below are the five types of ladies you should probably stay away from;

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 1. The psycho. These ladies can be the most delightful ladies in the planet, now and again supermodel beautiful and you might even end up pinching yourself just to make sure that you are not imagining anything. Her magnificence effortlessly blinds you but be warned because she is an extraordinary sort of insane! 

This young lady will extensively stalk your online networking profiles and she will even stalk you further and discover far off cousins that you never knew existed. This is the sort of girl that may force you to consider moving continents in case the relationship goes sour. 

 2. The maiden in trouble. Helping out a lady in distress once in a while is a good thing, chivalry is not dead after all but this is the kind of girl that always has issues and therefore always needs your help. Ask yourself, what will happen on the off chance that YOU need her help and how far can your legs carry you because you need to run my brother.

 3. The clingy lady. This is the kind of lady that will probably need constant assurance of your affection for her. If you miss her calls or fail to react to her messages with enough lovey dovey emojis in a flash, she gets a fit of anxiety. Truth be told, you might kick the bucket attempting to find ways of making her feel secure. 

 4. The control freak. These ladies are incredibly bossy. She chooses when and where you go, with whom you go on dates and might even go as far as choosing your friends for you. Think about your pride and stay away from from such a lady.

 5. The hopeless romantic. It is always beneficial to be in a relationship with a lady who realizes that there is life outside of your relationship; a lady who has her own companions and plans for example. If you stick with the hopeless romantic type, she might end up smothering you to your grave. She is the type that behaves like you share organs thus making it impossible for you two to be apart, ever.