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The construction of the multi-billion Thika Superhighway was lauded by policy-makers and economists as a development strategy that would boost economy and address traffic congestion in Nairobi and its environs.

The construction of the highway whose pillar falls under the 2030 Vision blueprint was spearheaded by the Mwai Kibaki government in April 2009.

Three years after the highway was launched and opened for use, how has it impacted on the lives of users?

Let’s have a look

1. Traffic congestion- The construction of the road that connects from Nairobi to Thika and also connects to various roads within Nairobi has indeed reduced traffic congestion. Many motorists plying the road agree that movement of vehicles and humans has been made easier. Commuters also agree that there has been a reduction in fare transport ever since the highway was opened. However there are those who claim that the highway has contributed more traffic jam especially during morning and evening hours.

2. Ease of movement- A section of commuters and motorists say that the road has eased movement of vehicles and people a move they say saves on time especially for those engaging in businesses. A section of PSV operators plying the road say that the ease movement of vehicles has seen them register more profits as they spend less time on the road.

3. Economy- Many users of the highway say that the road has seen many business opportunities emerge. According to some PSV operators plying the road, they are registering double profits and spending less of vehicle repairs. Policy makers also argue that highway has led to creation of employment with many PSVs operating on the highway. This according to policy makers and economists contributes to the national GDP.

4. Beautification- Thika superhighway has been cited as one of the beautiful highways in the world. The design of the highway all the way from Nairobi to Thika is of world class. Some motorists just drive along the highway to feel the design and classy nature.

On the other hand, the multi-billion highway has brought nothing but agony to some people.

1. Rise in accidents- Thika Superhighway has been blamed for rise in road accidents. According to statistics by the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) the road is among those that registered high accidents in the country last year. Cases of motorists over-speeding and hitting passengers are also reported.

2. Crime- Cases of crime have been associated with the Highway with criminals said to be waylaying motorists and commuters especially at night. Several points along the Superhighway have been marked as black spot for criminals. However frequent police patrols along the highway have addressed the issue.

3. Vandalism of road property- Vandalism has been cited as the major setback to the construction of the superhighway. The Kenya National Highway Authority (KeNHA) says that millions of shillings are used to repair and install vandalised road signs, lights and rails.

All said and done do you think the Thika Superhighway has changed lives?