Nakuru senator has asked president Uhuru Kenyatta and deputy president William Ruto to tame what he termed as ‘errant and rogue’ jubilee members of parliament for disrespecting the president and his deputy.
Senator James Mungai said that the president should exert his authority just like his father did during his days and teach those members of parliament who disrespect him a lesson.
Speaking on Monday in Nakuru town, Mungai said that jubilee members of parliament showed outright disrespect for the president by rejecting his nominee for the secretary to the cabinet position.
“President Kenyatta has been so lenient to members of parliament and this has given them an avenue of disrespecting him. He should take lessons from his late father and put some sense into the heads of members of parliament,” said Mungai.
He added: “Jubilee members of parliament are using the president’s ‘down to earth’ status to blackmail him and frustrate him. The president must stand up and face these rogue MPs and show them that he is the president,” said Mungai.
Mungai said that if the president doesn’t exert his authority, then he should be prepared for more frustrations because members of parliament are out to frustrate him.
“Most projects that the jubilee government has initiated might be paralysed if the jubilee members of parliament cannot offer the support needed by the government to see these projects through,” said Mungai.