Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital has began developing a master plan that will help the facility cope with the high number of patients.
The Hospital Chief Executive Officer Dr Juliana Otieno said the hospital that was built in 1965 by the Russian government needs expansion and rehabilitation.
“The original master plan of the hospital was misplaced somewhere but eventually we got it," Dr Otieno said.
She added: “We have been planning and trying to put things. This is really a specialise area and now with the coming of medical schools and partners, there is really need to come up with a master plan."
Dr Otieno said the hospital has contracted a company to work on the master plan that will give direction on how the expansion will be done.
She said the plan will help the hospital to attract funding from donor agencies and even the county government of Kisumu.
Speaking to the press in Kisumu on Thursday, Dr Otieno said the number of patients drawn from Western Kenya and the neighbouring regions have outweighed the capacity of the hospital.
She said the ward capacity will be expanded noting that it was estimated to carry 200 beds but now 100 more beds have been squeezed into the ward space.
Dr Otieno said the plan will propose for the high-rise buildings within the hospital to accommodate partnership programs the hospital is having with the local universities.