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Muhoroni MP Onyango K’Oyoo has called on government to issue land title deeds to Kibigori residents to avoid clashes at the troubled Kisumu-Nandi border.

K’Oyoo said hundreds of residents at the settlement scheme have not been issued with title deeds since 1964 sparking chaos in the area.

“Our neighbouring communities are interested in the land because they have realised that the owners lack title deeds,” he said.

Speaking at Kibigori centre during a peace-building meeting organised by NCIC among the local communities on Wednesday, K’Oyoo said issues of cattle rustling were just to cover-up and fuel chaos in the area.

Last week on Friday, clashes on the border between Muhoroni and Tinderet caused the death of five people with 15 people critically injured and destruction of property.

Eight houses were also burnt in Kibigori area living a number of families homeless. K’Oyoo said violence and skirmishes at the border were politically instigated by politicians from Nandi County.

He claimed that the frequent attacks of Kibigori, Songhor, Chemelil and Chemase people is aimed at evicting them ahead of the privatisation of Chemelil, Muhoroni and Miwani sugar factories.

K’Oyoo blamed unnamed politicians of funding and supporting those attacking his constituents in order to grab the fertile lands in Kibigori.

He said NCIC should work with IEBC to deny candidature to leaders who are inciters of violence and inter-community skirmishes.

The MP said the electoral agency should deny candidature to leaders who incite violence among the neighbouring communities for political gains.

He cautioned politicians from Nandi and police officers based in the area against the politics of hatred and incitement that cause deaths.

The meeting was attended by NCIC chairman Francis Ole Kaparo Kisumu county commissioner John Elungata, Governor Jack Ranguma, Muhoroni MP Onyango K’Oyoo and clan elders.

The assistant IG Joseph Keitany, County police commander Nelson Njiri and several OCPDs were also present.

Kaparo cautioned leaders against the politics of hatred and incitement that cause skirmishes at the border. He said the commission will conclusively address the plights of Kibigori people.

Residents of Kibigori presented their grievances to NCIC during the meeting in which they made various demands. Led by Kibigori-Chemase Peace Network Secretary Timothy Omondi, they demanded immediate ending of the killings.

They demand for a special anti-stock theft unit, reshuffling of senior police officers in the area and issuance of land title deeds to locals in Kibigori farms.