National Executive Council member representing teachers with disabilities at the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT), Edward Olando, has accused Teachers Service Commission of intimidation against teachers by compelling them to declare their wealth.
Speaking on Friday in Kisii during the election of county KNUT officials, Mr Olando, famously known as Kwach, who is also executive secretary Kisumu West KNUT branch, said the move is meant to humiliate teachers.
However, he said they are in support of the signing of a CBA meant to improve the welfare of teachers.
“TSC is being unfair to teachers. We are not against any move that is meant to ensure integrity and transparency in the education sector. We want to know the motive of some of the moves. Teachers cannot be coerced to declare their wealth. Before the employer demand teachers to do that, it should first honor salary increment ruling,” said the KNUT official.
He added: “We are not required to do business or any other project that can generate income because they think we will commit our time there and forget our teaching responsibilities. Teachers will die poorer comparing to when they get employed. Sad indeed.”
Mr Olando was supported by Kisii County KNUT executive secretary-elect Joseph Moguche Makabe who vowed to fight down any move meant to cripple teachers.
While launching the revised Teachers Code of Conduct and Ethics on June 21, 2016, at Mombasa during KESSHA national meeting, TSC Chairperson Lydia Nzomo said the move is expected to tackle corruption and ensure the vice does not affect learning.
Ms Nzomo added teachers’ accounts would as well be audited.
No teacher shall act as an agent of any political party or as a contestant and they are expected to account for every hour they spend in schools, the revised code of ethics stipulates.
This was a blow to teachers who had declared interest for a political post in the next general election. Some of them were attending a good number of gatherings including funerals to sell their political agenda.
In the election for Kisii County KNUT officials; John Ayega Makori was elected chairman while Nicholas Oyaro was elected vice chairman.
Mr. Makori is also Kisii South KNUT branch chairman after getting elected in a recent by-election while Oyaro is Kisii Central KNUT branch’s chairman.
Joseph Makabe, the Gucha South KNUT branch executive secretary was elected the same position at the county level with Gucha KNUT branch’s treasurer Richard Maniga getting elected his assistant.
Kisii Central branch executive secretary Albert Ondimu won the treasurer seat with Kennedy Tinega, Chairman Gucha KNUT branch getting elected his assistant.
Mrs. Lucy Machuki, the first woman to be elected executive secretary from Western region, was elected woman representative. Mrs. Machuki is Gucha KNUT branch’s executive secretary.
Mr. Edward Olando presided over the election exercise. He was in accompaniment of other NECs; Hildah Otieno (KNUT treasurer, Homa Bay branch), Eliud Ombori (Rachuonyo KNUT branch executive secretary) and Paul Roche who is Kisumu East KNUT branch treasurer.
Other regional officials who graced the event include; Marcrina Okindo (assistant treasurer Nyanza region and woman rep Kisii Central KNUT branch) and Stephen Obiri (vice chairman Nyanza region and chairman Gucha South KNUT branch).
Twenty officials participated in the voting exercise. They are the 4 NECs and top four KNUT officials from each of every four branches namely; Kisii Central, Kisii South, Gucha and Gucha South.
NEC member from Nyanza region and Kisii South executive secretary Geoffrey Mogire (Mtumishi) was among the 5 NEC members who were to preside over the election. He didn’t attend since he is nursing injuries he sustained in a road accident a month ago.