A young boy was been caught stealing green maize from a farm on Saturday morning at Seregeya village, Turbo. The boy, who was putting maize in his sack was caught by the owner while still in his business, has been handed to the local Nyumba Kumi administration. The owner, Anne Manyololi , said that she caught the boy in the act, and decided to hand him to the nyumba kumi administration, as she went looking for his parents. “I was following my cow which had run into the maize farm and that's when I got the boy,” said Manyololi. 

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It is believed that the boy might have been sent by his parents, who are known to be poor. Cases of petty theft have been on rampant in the recent past, with the area assistant chief Diana Owano advising residents of not taking the law into their hands but make use of the Nyumba Kumi administrative units. She has also urged parents to make sure their children go to school to avoid being part of ills committed in the area. “If you do not take your child to school, you will be arrested and arraigned in court,” Owano said.