The Privatisation Commission has organised a series of public meetings with farmers who sell sugarcane to the five public sugar mills in Western Kenya which are set to be privatised.
The Commission Chairman Henry Obwocha said the public forums are aimed at collecting farmers' views about the intended sale of the millers.
Mr Obwocha said the commission has met elected leaders from the sugar growing zones over to discuss the issue.
“The Commission met elected leaders from Miwani, Muhoroni, Chemelil, Nzoia and Sony sugar factories and we discussed at length,” he said.
Speaking to farmers in Chemelil Sugar Company on Wednesday, Obwocha said farmers will be given first priority in purchasing shares when the mills are floated for purchase by a strategic investor.
He said farmers will be give a grace period of three years to be able to raise funds and purchase the 24 per cent shares.
Mr Obwocha said the government will then move in to modernise the factories before offloading some shares to a strategic investor.
“Once the farmers have purchased the shares, the government will embark on rehabilitation of the sugar factories before selling them to the identified strategic investors,” he said.
He explained that the farmers will qualify for three directors to sit in the company once the mills are privatised.