Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga's wife, Ida Odinga, has called for dialogue to address the issue of gender rule.
Ida on Saturday said there are various proposals and the best way is to dialogue and negotiate to come up with one option.
She said affirmative action is being implemented in many counties who signed the Beijing Conference in 1995.
Speaking in Kisumu after addressing students from the county, Ida said to bridge the gender gap in elective positions, more women should be nominated at the party level.
“If it is difficult then women should be nominated to bridge the gender rule gap,” she said.
Kisumu County Women representative Rose Nyamunga confirmed that women leaders are working on coming together to address the issue.
Nyamunga said the option must be cost-effective and should not be a burden to the country’s budget.
Her Kiambu County counterpart, Ann Nyokabi, defended the positions for women noting that they are doing a lot to bring change in the country.
Nyokabi said women issues will go unaddressed if their position is not given to them.
“Sustaining women in leadership is very cheap and without women in leadership who will talk on gender-based violence, rape and other ill forms against women,” she said.