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Kisumu County Assembly has rejected a report by the Transition Authority (TA) on audited reports of assets and liabilities of the former local authorities in the county.

Masogo Nyangoma Ward representative Samuel Ong’ou said the report is not detailed. Ong’ou said the sectors that were audited must be re-done since the authority is also calling for forensic audit in most areas.

He said the report should be clear and give specific details indicating the periods, names of people involved and the money in question.

“This report is shoddy and must be done before the assembly can accept it. The way it is now is not proper (sic) because many things are hidden,” he said.

Speaking at the assembly grounds on Thursday, Ong’ou said agriculture is one sector that was fully devolved to the counties.

He said TA failed to capture in their report the three sugar mills in the county as assets of the county government.

Ong’ou said the national government is in the process of selling off the three mills to strategic investors.

Nancy Gathungu, the joint technical team assets and liabilities chairperson says the concerns raised by the MCAs will be forwarded to TA's chair for considerations.