Uasin Gishu Ministry of Labour, social security and services is set to increase the number of households benefiting from the cash transfer for orphans and children programme by 3000 households.
Speaking in Eldoret on Monday, the county director children’s services Julius Kemboi Yator said that the department was planning to add the number of households benefiting from this programme to 7600 households from the current 4000.
“We are aware that we have more orphans to cater for going by the 2009 census which showed that we have 10,000 households in the county with orphans hence the need to increase the number being helped,” said Kemboi.
The cash transfer for orphans and children (CT-OVC) Programme is a project by the vision 2030 flagship initiative that is aimed at supporting extremely poor households taking care of orphans and vulnerable children by providing them with regular and predictable bi-monthly cash benefits receivable after every two months.
The government has allocated Sh60million for the county to cater for this programme. This money is supposed to go to households from all the six constituencies in the county.
The director urged the beneficiaries of this programme to ensure that they use this fund for the benefit of the children. To support the orphans in schooling and other basic needs.
“Some people come to benefit from this programme and then instead of using the funds for children, they use it for their own motives and needs. Once we realize this is the case, we will withdraw the support,” Kemboi added.
HIV/AIDS remains the highest cause of orphans in the county. Other causes include accidents and other ailments.