“Mutava Musyimi is no longer fit to chair the budgetary committee,” says Uasin Gishu County Governor, Jackson Mandago.
Speaking during a forum between leaders from the North Rift region and farmers from the region, Mandago faulted Mutava Musyimi for a budget allocation that favored some regions and disadvantaged others.
“With the likes of Gallana irrigation scheme getting Sh 3.5 million and Kayata Sh 10 million, how do you explain Mwea Irrigation Scheme which is located at Mutava’s constituency getting Sh 2.2 billion?,” Mandago questioned.
Mandago said that the budgetary allocation on irrigation scheme was not fair and that it favored irrigation schemes especially from the eastern region where Mutava Musyimi is a leader faulting him for the same.
“With allocations as such, Mutava Musyimi might as well not be fit to chair the parliamentary committee on budget allocation,” added the Uasin Gishu county boss.
Mandago urged the parliamentary committee on supplementary budget allocation to consider it. He also urged that they allocate funds to the Agriculture Finance Corporation to ensure farmers get loans to develop agriculture.
Mandago also urged the national government to give agriculture funds to the county government.
“If agriculture is a devolved function, devolve the agricultural funds too. You cannot devolve a function and leave out its finances,” Mandago said.