Two villages in Muhoroni sub-county, Ogwedhi and Achako have been certified Open Defecation Free areas with 20 new pit latrines constructed within the households.
The two-year project that aims at improving sanitation in Kisumu County was initiated by a Non Governmental Organisation, Living Water Service Centre.
The organisation's Director, Jackton Akello said locals in the two villages were taken through a rigorous exercise that included raising awareness on the dangers of open defecation.
“This is worth celebrating, what the community has done to enable them reach here is wonderful. The community saw the need to have latrines within their homes and use them,” he said.
Speaking on Tuesday at Sugar Research Primary School, Akello said most water points were contaminated during rainy seasons with feaces scattered all over the villages.
A resident, Henry Gare, said every household in the two villages now has a functional latrine.
Mr Gare said hand wash facilities were also established next to the latrines to encourage washing hands after visiting latrines.
He said there was massive change within the community since they have adopted a new way of living.
Mr Gare said the number of locals visiting the community hospital had reduced due to maintaining good hygiene in the two villages.
“It is a new life for the locals. They are doing things differently and this is helping in keeping us healthy,” said Gare.