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The public has been urged to volunteer information to the police as a way of fighting crime rate within their areas.

Antonina Okuta, Western Kenya Coordinator, Kenya National Commission on Human Rights said police are unable to work without the input of the public, noting that it is Okuta said it is important that the police closely collaborate with the public in their duty to fight crime.

“Most of the police officers are posted in areas they don’t understand well and it is only the public who can offer help to the officers to be able to fight crime,” she said.

Speaking in Kisumu on Monday during a dialogue forum for police officers, members of the public and human rights actors, Okuta announced that they are working on a modality to allow the public to share information with the police without endangering their lives.

“The public have reservations in offering crucial information to the police because on many a times, those who give information always get attacked by the culprits, but as a commission, we are working on that,” she said.

Okuta said the forum was important as it gave the public to learn more from the officers and vice verse.

She said challenges being faced in the fight against crime were thrashed in the forum.