It is true that we are what we eat. However, some foods we eat are very harmful in our bodies if not well handled. Depending on how such foods were stored, prepared and cooked, they will cause different reactions in your body. Farting is healthy, but some fart signals danger in your body. More so, it is embarrassing to fart especially when you cannot control it in public.Here are 10 foods that will make you fart a lot in public:

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1. Beans: It is true beans make you fart. They are rich in protein and fiber which makes it difficult to be digested. They take long to break down thus coming out as stench.

2. Dairy: When consumed in excess amounts, they will lead to passing of gas. Dairy products have lots of lactose, which when consumed in excess amounts will make you lactose intolerant. It will make it tough to break down dairy which leads to the dreaded protein farts.

3. Carbonated drinks: These drinks are highly loaded with fructose corn syrup. The syrup and chemical are hard to break down which cause the foul smelling fart.

4. Fruits: Some fruits types are infamous in increasing gas production. Such fruits contain fiber and sorbitol which when ingested can produce gas. Such fruits include grapes, peaches, cherries and green apples.

5. Grains: Eating foods rich in grains like bread, bowl of pasta or crunchy cracker with high concentrations of carbohydrates produces gas when being broken down in the body.

6. Nuts: Nuts are also rich in protein, healthy fats and fiber. They take time to be digested in the system which turn your intestines into a gas producing factory.

7. Vegetables: Vegetables with high contents of fiber can produce gas. Such vegetable with fiber are tough to break down hence leading to build up of gas. They include green peas, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.

8. Sugar-free food: Sugar-free foods like sweets and gum will make you fart a lot. This is because you will be swallowing a lot of air in the process which directly causes you to produce more flatulence.

9. High fiber foods: Any food rich in fiber will automatically create a malodorous cloud of gas. Consuming foods rich in protein and carbohydrates will make your intestines a gas producing factory.

10. Condiments: Mild condiment are core gas-producing foods. Most people use them to prevent puff. Examples of condiments include jam, jelly and salads which are rich in sugar.