NASA principals at a past event. [Photo/ Courtesy of KM]

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1. The crappy, uncalled for opinion polls.2. The smarmy smiles on politicians faces. God, how I hate them. Men look like they are wagging their whatever on my face. They look so creepy and insincere, so on-your-face and honestly, quite a number are ugly to be sure.3. NASA's indecisiveness. I always said Kenyan men from the 1950-60s are the most useless bunch of human beings. I'm young but I know being a president is the worst job, be somewhere strategic. I can't believe all the five men in NASA are so blind to think only the presidency will fulfill them. Since they will be stealing anyway, if I was there, I will agree to be a no.2 but demand a strategic ministry, for the heck of it.4. Everyone is a pseudo expert.5. That MCA seat, it is the most annoying creation of new constitution. Every desperado and wannabe is on it.6. The tired analysts on TV. Herman Manyora was my Communication lecturer and he is what you call a sound byte commentator, only good for that sound byte. I feel like we should just give politicians a blackout altogether.7. NASA decidedly want to fail and look likely to fail, there is nothing as demoralizing as lacking an alternative in life.8. Journalists leaking a story and using such terms such as "a State House Source said", "Capitol Hill said", A NASA insider revealed" and such crap cliches.9. TV reporters trying to ask silly questions assuming that they are being tough, but essentially, they are just feeling good about themselves.10. The tribal jingoist who think that if you don't support their presidential candidate, you are planning a genocide against them. I am in NASA, that is for sure. I have nothing against anyone in Jubilee whatsoever. After elections, I know we will use the same matatus, drink the same beer, use the same sewage and all. So calm down.I just want to wake up sometime in January done with elections, the euphoria and that nonsense of 100 days in office.What do you hate about elections?