Despite their bitter rivalry in recent weeks, Deputy President William Ruto on Saturday had a soft heart to Raila Odinga, whom he treats as biggest threat to his quest for State House.

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When he invited Raila to the podium in Bukhungu stadium on Saturday, Ruto referred to Raila as 'former Prime Minister', a statement he would change later.

Moments later, Raila confirmed his new appointment as High Representative for Infrastructural Development to AU, a move which might have made Ruto to immediately change his heart.

He said: "Mr. President, I wish to reiterate here that I fully support your efforts with Prime Minister Raila Odinga to foster unity in the country. County my support all the times."

It was the first time Ruto, who accused Raila of using handshake with President Uhuru Kenyatta to frustrate him from within Jubilee, was referring to Raila as 'Prime Minister', a sign of respect.

And later on, Mr. Ruto took to social media to pay tribute to Raila, a consistent political figure in the country following his appointment.

"Congratulations to Prime Minister Raila Odinga as he begins a new assignment as the African Union High Representative for Infrastructure Development in Africa. The role is key to developing linkages across the continent, boosting intra-Africa trade and integration."

The two leaders are keen to succeed President Uhuru even though Raila has not come out public about his future in politics.
