Prostitution has been practiced for so long than anyone can remember. It's regarded as the world's oldest profession.
Most of the sex workers, as they prefer to be called, have advanced their occupation to a 24-hour business due to increasing life's demands.
The millennial generation of sex workers has advanced to using social sites to search for online clients.
Majority of the notorious places where you will find sex workers are lodgings, clubs and some suburban areas where rooms are a bit cheaper and have a considerable high population.
The sex workers rent rooms which act as bases for servicing clients. They use the room in shifts: where one gets a client, the other associates will be out seeking for theirs too.
The rooms in the suburban areas mostly have a bed and beddings, a chair, and a box of condoms.
Most of them are dimly lit which provides a conducive environment for several prostitutes to rob their clients unknowingly. It's shocking to know that they have guardians to deal squarely with rough and abusive clients.
Due to the booming 'business' all day through, most rooms are subdivided to act as their residence.
When you pass through these streets, the skimpily dressed 'hawkers of their goodies' are bold enough to gesture and call you.
These women are aged between 18-60 years. The claws of poverty and financial desperation have pushed many of them into this profession.