Unprecedented war against their bosses Manoah Esipisu, Nzioka Waita and leaking of sensitive State House information would be the worst monster for four men once trusted by the President, reports Owaahh.com.

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For Dennis Itumbi, Monyori Buku, Erick Ng'eno and James Kinyua, it remains a mystery why and how they lost the trust of the man they spared much of their youthful time to shape for Presidency, Uhuru Kenyatta.

In August this year, State House was declared a no go zone, forcing them to seek refuge at DP William Ruto's Harambee Annex.

But their woes, the writer says, can be traced back to 2013 when Mr. Esipisu, a seasoned communicator, was handpicked by the president from ADB to head the critical docket.

To them, the move was betrayal since they'd spend three years building the president before 2013 elections. Subsequently, they waged a war against the outsider Manoah, leading to stalemate for the most part of Uhuru's presidency in first term.

Having sensed the animosity, the furious president forgot about friendship and summoned the team for a meeting. It is the June 29th 2016 meeting where the riot act was read.

“I hired Manoah for a reason,” the President angrily said, staring his communications team down, “either take instructions from him or ship out!”.

All these time, Manoah, whom they had vicious fight with, sat quietly taking notes during the meeting in which Munira Mohammed and Big Ted were also present.

Still soaked in fury, Uhuru further warned them against defying Mr. Esipisu, adding that they had to take instructions from him.

“You will do what Manoah says. You will send him weekly plans of what you are doing, and weekly reviews of what you’ve done!” he said, adding that none was authorized to appear for press conference unless invited.

But despite the warning, the four directors of communication were still determined to kick Manoah out. Their strategy now involved frustrating him using official social media accounts they controlled and the website.

But with Uhuru winning 2017 polls, their work at State House was over and the writings were too big on the wall.

A tired Manoah was deployed to London as Kenya's envoy while Citizen TV's Kanze Dena was brought to the table.

The frustrated team, as if that was not enough, had a number of social media accounts they controlled suspended when they reportedly waged antics against Déna.

Chief of Staff Nzioka Waita, who had also tasted part of their antics, officially communicated their ouster albeit indirectly.

Noticing that they are no longer wanted, the team moved to Ruto's Harambee House Annex where parhaps their next move is to walk a new journey.