The arrest and arraignment of Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu at a Magistrate court shocked President Uhuru Kenyatta, Kalonzo Musyoka has said.

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Mrs. Mwilu, Kenya's third Deputy Chief Justice, was arrested over tax evasion and money laundering at Imperial Bank in August.

At Citizen TV on Tuesday, the former Vice President revealed that he had reached Uhuru to intervene over the matter.

"The president told me he was surprised upon learning that the DCJ was going to be arraigned before a magistrate's court. President Kenyatta told the attorney-general that the issue was critical," he said.

Mr. Musyoka was among the 32 lawyers who successfully stopped prosecution of Kenya's second most powerful judge over 'constitutionalism' of the matter.

And in the interview, Kalonzo also claimed that Mwilu's case was 'unusual' given the manner in which it was handled.

"How can you arraign such a judge before her junior? What image were they trying to portray?"

Before her arrest, top detective George Kinoti and DPP Noordin Haji informed Chief Justice David Maraga about their decision, after which, they took Mrs. Mwilu to DCI headquarters to record a statement.

At that time, President Uhuru Kenyatta had travelled to the US upon invitation by President Donald Trump to discuss Kenya-Kenya-America relationship.

The President has however been pushing for prosecution of people mentioned in graft and has also increased allocations to detectives in 2018/19 budget.