Even as the government continues to push and agitate for 100 per cent direct transition from primary to secondary school in all parts of the country, things are different in Kimumu ward on the outskirts of Eldoret town. 

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Naomi Njeri Patrick, a girl who sat for the Kenya Certificate for Primary School Education (KCPE) in 2018  at Ainaptich primary school and was selected to join the University of Eldoret secondary school is still hopeless at her home about one month after her classmates joined their respective secondary schools. 

Naomi Njeri's admission letter to the University of Eldoret secondary school. [Source/Facebook/Lemiso Sato Emmanuel]

In a post shared on Facebook by a popular user Lemiso Sato Emmanuel, the girl who scored 282 marks has not joined form one due to lack of school fees and the necessary expenses during admission to form one because her mother is a single parent and cannot afford to take Njeri to school. 

“THIRST FOR EDUCATION. Her name is Naomi Njeri Patrick, a student who completed her primary school education at Ainaptich Primary School, Kimumu Ward, Uasin Gishu County and got admission to University of Eldoret Secondary School. But up to date she hasn't reported to school for lack of fees, she lives with her mother and other siblings but it's a life of feeding on hand to mouth, her mother can't pay her fee neither do shopping for her even though she wishes to be in school,” reads part of Lemiso’s post on Facebook. 

A screenshot of Lemiso's post on Facebook. [Source/Lennie Croozy] 

Although Lemiso pledged his commitment to helping the young girl to get her right for education, any wellwisher willing to also help support the girl go to school is welcome.

“Even as I try my best to find someone to help Njeri get to school, the government should improve on the education sector,” Sato added in the post.
