Deputy President William Ruto could easily ascend to power the same way former President Daniel Moi did, Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina has cautioned.

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The ODM Senator in an interview with Citizen TV on Monday further said he unhappy with the turn of events, given DP Ruto's critics were not aware they could easily make him president.

"I am a very disappointed  Kenyan because we are shifting the goal post. DP Ruto is the second most fought Deputy President in Kenya; the first one was retired President Daniel Moi where he was attacked heavily then he ended up becoming president," stated Ledama.

His remarks come at a time government has clipped the security detail of Members of Parliament mostly from the Mt Kenya region for what's perceived as a measure to tame their support for DP Ruto.

There are claims that the ruling Jubilee party has split into factions with some of its leaders backing DP Ruto's 2022 bid while a number of them have ruled out any chances of him succeeding President Uhuru Kenyatta.

After the death of Kenya's first President Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, Moi faced a tough opposition with leaders from Kenyatta's backyard being against him taking over power as had been provided for in the constitution.