Eldoret is now a very fast growing town set to be transformed into a city. It is also the largest town serving the North Rift and parts of Western regions.
There are numerous towns within the region but Eldoret dominates them as it's in a centrally geographical area.
The town has attracted many students all over the country, the majority from Western, Nyanza and far parts of Rift Valley. This has made it grow as learning institutions are all over; a predictable statistics is that a majority of the graduates will still like to work in Eldoret town as it has a friendly environment for residency.
As the population emerges to dense, businesses are doing well in Eldoret and it's no secret that business persons are pocketing big profits.
Here are four businesses that can do well in Eldoret town;
Food processing industry
There is money in food and if you are creative you can grow an enviable business, being a low-investment-high-returns venture especially if you source raw materials. Food being a basic need, it's no exception that it will be sold, advance this to a free or charged delivery within the cool town.
Concrete and building planning industry
As the population goes up people need roofs on top of their heads to rest. There is a vast land for expansion and the real estate business is growing also. There's high demand for construction materials. There is also ready labour as the youth are more than available to work.
Owning Passenger Service Vehicle (PSV) or Matatu
This is one of the best where the town has a busy ferry demand. The traffic is well stabilized this being the main reason for choosing it. Buy a van, take it to a Sacco and relax. The Sacco does the rest and your main task is to confirm your balance. Strict rules have been put up, so make sure your vehicle is safe to avoid extra expenses on the traffic offence.
Design and tailoring industry
Hosting government officials, businessmen/women and all those refined folks, Eldoret town will need designers while the rest will have the tailors. Today, people spent extravagantly on clothing especially ladies. So set up a boutique and advertise your products through social media and make daily profits. Even the second-hand falls under this, where its a good business for the unskilled with less capital to venture into.