Nakuru is a growing town that is soon getting a city status.

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Here are businesses that you can start in Nakuru town with little capital.

1. Food vending

This is common in most towns all over Kenya. It requires little capital to start.

With Sh5000, one can cook foods such as boiled beans and githeri at a roadside and make good cash out of it. 

2. Selling boiled eggs and smokies

Imagine buying an egg at Sh10, boiling it and then sell it later at Sh25.You can start with as low as 30 eggs in a bucket.

It is a good business with good profit to sustain one in this town. 

3. Selling mitumba clothes

This business can be started with Sh10,000. The largest mitumba market is Gikomba in Nairobi, where one can shuttle to and from Nakuru.

Getting large stocks of mitumba from Gikomba and selling them in Nakuru town will earn you good profit.

In addition to mitumba clothes, one can also sell a collection of mitumba shoes which are the main wear for most people in Nakuru. 
