Popular actor Davis Mwabili commonly referred to as Inspekta Mwala has apologised to the family of the man who died after being hit by his car in Kilifi on Monday night.
The actor took to twitter on Friday to express his remorse at what happened, saying it was not intentional.
“Am sorry for what happened and pole to the family, if am a killer then I would have joined Al shabab,my poit is... lets b constructive guys some of our pple are dying of hunger and hamjaichangamkia hivi,,,waaah lets sitdown n think (A m sorry for what happened and sorry to the family.
"I am a killer then I would have joined Al Shabaab. My point is lets be constructive some of our people are dying of hunger and it is not being talked about like this),” he posted on his twitter page.
On Thursday, the father of a man who died after allegedly being hit by Mwala’s car claimed they are yet to hear from the actor, days after the fatal accident.
Alex Mangi Yaa said his family is looking for a lawyer for a court battle with Mwala after failing to hear from the Radio Citizen Presenter.
“We are now looking for a lawyer to represent us in court. Sadly, Mwala is yet to communicate with us despite killing our son, who has left behind a young wife and a child,” he said, as quoted by K24.
He said his son Ishmael Yaa was heading to work when he met his death on Monday.