ODM leader Raila Odinga has vowed to deploy a battery of lawyers to rescue Irene Nyakerario, MCA nominee to Nyamira County.

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Despite winning twice in court, Ms. Nyakerario, who chaired the famous Daughters of Raila' lobby group, will again battle in Appeals Court following the latest suit.

Her challenger, Damaris Mouni, moved to Kisumu Appeals Court to try to overturn High Court ruling that reinstated Ms. Nyakerario.

"I have spoken with the party leader and he has assured me of support. We shall deploy our lawyers in Kisumu to challenge the appeal," said Secretary General Edwin Sifuna.

He added: " The party stands with Nyakerario and we have done that in writing. The party leader has also asked us to take disciplinary actions against the petitioner."

Mrs. Mouni's nominations was nullified by the court after it was established that she irregularly sneaked her name to the ODM list.

For now, she will continue representing the party in the assembly until the matter is heard and determined.
