Have you ever been to a job interview? How was the experience? Were you sweating?  Was your voice shaky? Was your mouth dry? Were you talking too fast? 

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Well, don’t worry, we have all experienced some awkward moments during our job interviews.

Such awkward moments should not be scary and make you fail in your future interviews.

Image consultant, Sussy Ngaina says that majority of job seekers fail in interviews because of simple things like being nervous and anxious.

She says that once a potential employer realises you are nervous and unable to control it, he or she will never consider you even if you pass in other areas of the interview.

Ngaina notes that there are simple ways of fighting fear and nervousness while in an interview room.

Here are 5 tips on how to fight fear, anxiety, nervousness and remain calm during a  job interview.

1. Sit up straight and don’t fidget 

You should sit upright on your chair during the interview. 

This helps your voice to naturally project. It also shows you are confident and helps you to breathe in and out hence reducing anxiety.

2. Breathe and take your time 

When feeling anxious in the interview room, you can deeply breathe and exhale to allow oxygen into your blood. Breathe in deeply and exhale. 

However, do so moderately without creating attention of the interviewing panel.

3. Don’t see the interviewer as your enemy

Majority of the job seekers see the interview panel as their enemies. You should not fear them but rather, engage them professionally.

Treat the interview process as a normal conversation.

4. Keep off destructions

While in an interview room, avoid things that cause destruction.  You should keep your mobile phone, handbag or any other thing that destructs your far away from you.

Always make sure that your phone is switched off before entering an interview room.

5. Listen keenly

You should be attentive throughout the interview process.

 Some people fail to remain attentive and end up interjecting the interviewer, which is not a good thing. 

All the best in your next interview.