When it comes to solidifying a marriage, this is something that should be done by both partners. Most people assume that the backbone of a relationship is the wife. 

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Hence, they are the ones to keep their marriages intact. 

In reality though, that is not the case as men also have a significant role to play when it comes to strengthening their marriages. 

There are some mistakes that most men do which they should avoid when in marriage. Here are some of the mistakes that men make in marriage.

1. Reckless spending

Spending too much without consulting your wife is one of the biggest mistakes that most men make. 

In a marriage, partners are meant to make financial decisions together, and in that case, as a man, you should always consult your wife when planning to make significant spending.

2. Not taking good care of your body

Some men push their wives to take good care of their body, forgetting that it’s essential for them too to do the same. 

When a man doesn’t take good care of his body, this automatically pushes the wife away.

3 Not involving yourself in children rearing

When it comes to raising of the children, most men barely contribute to it. They think that the work of a man is to provide for the family and that's all. 

However, as a dad, you are also a major pillar when it comes to helping your wife bring you up the kids.Mistakes that men make in marriages