After finishing high school studies every individual wish to pass examinations so that he or she may continue her studies at the university.Despite the fact that campus life is nice and sweet it has some problems and challenges that students face. Below are some of the challenges campus students face according to reports.

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1) Time management

Many students don't know on how to manage their time wisely. This makes them to miss classes or even CATs  because many wake up late hence missing their lectures.

2) Debt 

Tuition cost are rising at alarmingly high rates. This makes students to take loans or even take debts from friends but at the end they are  unable to refund back. This forces some students to look for part-time jobs in order to make ends meet.

3) Homesickness

Most students will at one point get homesick, especially those who attend a school that is very far from their home. Freshmen suffer more as it is presumably their first year away from home.

4) Depression

Due to the challenges, a student may suffer emotional lows. Some find temporary relief in partying which in excess and in the long run may contribute to depression.

5) Relationships

Relationships are good but they can be overwhelming. Sometimes they take a lot of time and can begin to encroach a student's education. Break up usually drive some into depression making them not to learn.