Russia World Cup 2018 has been of many surprises. From big teams being eliminated from the tournament, records being broken and other new ones set has surprised many.

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Kenyans have also been surprised by many things. First of all, many were shocked to see a Kenyan flag being waved among the crowds during a match in Russia.

This dance tune has caught many by surprise. The mascot has skills and mastered the Odi moves within minutes.

The Odi dance is now internationally recognized, thanks to the World Cup mascot. The four Kenyans who were in Russia were filmed teaching Zabivaka the mascot the Odi Dance.

Many Kenyans have shared this video. Among them include the Odi Dance song creator Timelessnoel. He captioned the video saying; Odi imeshika World Cup.

Some other Kenyans joined him in acknowledging Odi Dance at Russia World Cup. Here is what some said:

“First the flag now Odi Dance!!! Wakenya twaweza.” Said Lee Rono. 

“Acha iwashike tu, wataiba io mascot.” Said Mercy.

“At least Kenyans were represented at the World Cup.” Said Kiraitu.

“Such silly things is what Kenyans are proud of.???” Ole Pius.

“Kenya tuna shida tu, kujishikilia kwa vitu ndogo ndogo kama flag kuonekan world cup na odi dance!!!” said Mary.

Here is the video
