Former Attorney General Githu Muigai is among five law scholars who have been promoted to to full professorship by the University of Nairobi following recent interviews.

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Prof Muigai will now be expected to participate in various departmental activities within the institution besides helping in management. Full professorship is the highest academic rank in the world.

The others promoted alongside Prof Muigai are: Prof Musili Wambua, Prof Ben Sihanya, Prof Kiarie Mwaura (all three in the commercial law department), and Prof Albert Mumma (private law department).

“The above colleagues have now joined Prof Patricia Kameri-Mbote and Prof FDP Situma in the rank of full professorship,” said Prof Mwaura, the School of Law dean in an internal memo to students and staff dated April 2.

Prof Mwaura went on: “With this significant milestones, we look forward to their continued scholarly contribution to the School of Law. Please join me in congratulating them on these well-deserved promotions.”

Council chairperson Prof Julia Ojiambo cleared Prof Muigai to the positions with the other four. All of them come from the School of Law. This means Muigai would have served as Associate Professor, Professor and now full professorship.

In a shocking move, Prof Muigai quit as State Attorney last year in February after serving for seven years. He had replaced Busia Senator Amos Wako, who retired after two decades at the helm.

Recently, Muigai hinted returning back to class and would be teaching constitutional law at the University of Nairobi. He's among few law professors in the country at the moment.